Thursday, August 12, 2010

Autism Epidemic: Shaking the System

Wedding Day promise...Love and Joy radiate like beacons with the promise of a future...
...filled with richness, rapture, and the bridal heart.

Love shared, multiplied, and anticipated as two into one now will become three.

Tenderness consumes the loving pair as her body nourishes the miracle growing beneath her comforting heartbeat.
Smiles...tempered with questions. What has happened to the pure dreams for that rich future?

Baby born...the promise is so real, the parents over the moon...

How can you look in those eyes and not see "joy", "hope", and "forever"? But God, the Fates, Environment...someone, something, has other plans.

Eyes now look back, but do they see you? Can those precious ears hear you? Are you reaching through the water's depths to the core where the words "Mama" and "Dada" seem forever locked away?

How do you help when you do not understand? How do you protect, when the world does not understand?

Science runs its battery of tests. Will they hold the key? Or will they create new questions, more confusion, more pain as you watch your precious child slip further and further behind the blankness of disconnect?

Autism. What does that mean? Where can one find answers, not more anguish? Is my child lost to me and to the world forever? Is there no hope? but wait...

Albert Einstein...he is reputed to have been born with Autism. No one can dispute his genius, and...

...Bill Gates, founder of the Microsoft Corporation; he was born with Autism too. So where to go for a road map through the crags and crevices of dealing with the World-view of Autism...

Here...within the pages of information systematically, and diligently compiled by Litsa Kamateros and Lea Schizas. No longer must you face the morass of Autism alone. Let Litsa and Lea guide you through the fog to the light at the end of that agonizing tunnel. Take comfort from the stories of those who have come before you and how they rose above the cauldron of bewildered complexity.
Available at for $3.99, this book will show you how to find your own way to forever. Just follow the link below for the answers you have been seeking, and know, finally, you are NOT alone..

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