Saturday, January 1, 2011

A Pearl Set in Emeralds

A few days ago, as we studied the relationship of love and Christmas, I presented a romantic Andalusian Horse and I also wrote about the fantastic artist Fred Verbeek and how he moved to Andalucia, later in his life. As love and Christmas are connected and really one cannot exist without the other, so too, is Spain and Arabia. I thought about this connection and how it is best symbolized in the الْحَمْرَاء Alhambra, which means in Arabic, "the red one"‎, a palace and fortress located in Granada, Spain. Built in the 14th century by the Moorish rulers who invaded Spain, the Alhambra is significantly impacted by Arab culture. It is a beautiful place and remains as Spain's most significant link to the influence of Arab culture. You can see the Islamic influence in the architecture, you can feel it in the air and like an electric current, you can feel it everywhere. The very essence of the middle east is powerfully electric here. It is "a pearl set in emeralds" as the Moorish poets called the Alhambra. It is one of the most breath-taking places on earth and remains as one of Spain's most powerful tourist attractions. One of my favorite songs performed by Loreena McKennit, the Celtic performer,  is a song by the name of "Marco Polo" which she performed at the Alhambra. I love this song very much and I would like to share it with you. It is one of my favorites. I believe it is a wonderful soundtrack to highlight the majesty of the Arabian horse and to celebrate the exotic beauty, the romance, the mystique, the full flavor of Arab culture, which I also love dearly. It is part of me, for the love of a horse.

Happy New Year 2011,

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