Monday, June 28, 2010

Disaster Response Time Truly Depends

NO one watching their TVs today can doubt that disasters and the expediency by which they are dealt with depends on who we are angry with or fighting.

I sit here, in my home, nowhere near the waters swirling like a pathetic soiling from within the earth's mantle, that the earth herself did not spew forth. My heart is breaking over and over again. How could it not?

Dying, the animals, innocent creatures that did nothing beyond the acts that they are required by nature to perform, are dying.

Eleven people, lost beneath the magnitude of this disaster, are dead, whether we recognize the dimensions and consequences of their deaths or not...they are dead.

The estuaries that provide the home base for many creatures, some only recently brought back from the brink of extinction, are being smothered beneath the strangling encroachment of mankind's arrogance and disregard for the laws of Nature.

The future of the entire planet's waterways are in danger, though I don't hear much said about this scenario, even though anyone looking at a globe can tell no body of water remotely connected to the ocean currents is safe from this gunk eventually working its way to their shores.
So how come it is taking so damned long to fix man's incredible foolishness and disregard?

Since John F. Kennedy vowed to put a man on the moon, we have focused on the great out there, claiming it as our final frontier, but it's not. Out there is easy compared to down there, beneath our waterways, where the squeeze of gravity is so intense mankind cannot plummet its depth, yet some questionable brain thought it was wise to drill into our waterways, set up platforms and snake pipelines that are created by the lowest bidders just to get more of that gunk, oil from places we should not be harvesting.

During the recent elections for President, I lost count of the people chanting the mantra, "drill baby drill" even though one of the loudest mantra chanters comes from the State where the Exxon-Valdez disaster had already happened.

Yet now, those mantra spouting proponents of the mass oil conglomerates are backtracking on one hand, while still urging full steam ahead on the other.

We have no business opening new fissures in Mother earth's mantle so the oil companies and their bobbing head "yes-men-politicians" pursue a course of planetary destruction.

It has been nearly three months since the explosion that has caused tens of thousands of gallons of crude crud...let me repeat that word CRUDE, into the waters of the Gulf of Mexico, yet it's not fixed, and there hasn't been legislation to hold BP, Halliburton, Dick Cheney and his bosom buds, and whoever else is a part of that disastrous explosion, CRIMINALLY responsible for mass murder.

Mass murder! That's rather extreme, some of you are saying. NO it's not. Eleven human begins died from incompetence, but the murders aren't stopping there. I haven't heard a count of how many creatures have died or are dying because of that junk swirling around in THEIR home.

How long does it take for the government to get off their timid back ends and do something?

Surprisingly, not long as the cause fits in with not rocking the boats of the side bonuses they all get from companies like BP and Halliburton.

Let me give you an example. How long has it been since the Gulf disaster? Well over two long did it take to get all kinds of injunctions against pulling the plug on Terry Schiavo so she an her husband could finally have peace and that poor woman could pass on with dignity and no more tubes thrust into her organs doing all the busy work to keep her heart ticking and her lungs expanding?

Not I fact damned if the government, all the way up to the then President Bush, didn't get involved IMMEDIATELY.

How come we can respond so quickly then, but now, when the entire future of the planet's waterways are threatened, we decide there is wisdom in letting BP, the idiots behind the disaster, call the shots on AMERICAN SOIL? Didn't we have a Revolutionary War and a War of 1812 to keep our land from British control...yet we're handing it to them so they can act like the Gestapo and keep American's out of the area...God forbid REAL pictures of REAL dead carcasses make it out of BPs war zone?

President Obama you are a very intelligent man who now has the power to make BP more than just accountable to set aside, what to them is basically chump change. BP is guilty of mass murder. Murder is against the law. So how come they aren't in jail? How come the US government is not conscripting any and all technologies BP or anyone else has about stopping the ongoing release of CRUDE crud into the American waters, and how come people aren't sitting in jail, without benefit of bail?
This is MASS MURDER? How many times must those words be repeated? Tony Heyward's passport needs to be confiscated; he needs to be locked away, along with Dick Cheney and his cohorts. Otherwise let's just give the country back to Britain and the likes of Tony Heyward. He's calling the shots anyway. Might as well just hand America over to him on a silver platter, and stop pretending we aren't in Big Oil's pockets and clutches.

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